French Southern and Antartic Territories | |||||
Stock # | Scotts # | Type | Decription | Price in U.S. Dollars | Click Image for Larger View |
FAT28 | 99 | S | 1983 - Our Lady of the Winds Statue & Church | $ 1.02 | N/A |
FAT29 | 100 | S | 1983 - Artic Explorer - Martin de Vivies, Navigator | $ 0.94 | N/A |
FAT30 | 101-02 | SET | 1983 - Eaton's Ducks | $ 1.66 | N/A |
FAT31 | 103 | S | 1983 - Trawler Austral | $ 1.23 | N/A |
FAT32 | 104 | S | 1983 - Freighter Lady Franklin | $ 4.76 | |
FAT33 | 105-06 | SET | 1984 - Scientist Examining Glacier & Base | $ 1.06 | N/A |
SOLD | 107-110 | SET | 1984 - Penquins & Seals | SOLD @ $ 4.72 |
FAT35 | 111 | S | 1984 - Artic Explorer - Alfred Faure | $ 0.94 | N/A |
FAT36 | 112-13 | SET | 1985 - Biomass | $ 2.64 | N/A |
SOLD | 114-15 | SET | 1985 - Emperor Penquin & Snowy Petrel | SOLD @ $ 2.51 | N/A |
FAT38 | 116 | S | 1985 - Port Martin | $ 0.94 | N/A |
FAT39 | 117 | S | Artic Explorer - Andre-Frank Liotard | $ 0.94 | N/A |
FAT40 | 118-19, C91 | SET | 1986 - Anarctic Fulmar | $ 3.27 | N/A |
FAT41 | 120 | S | 1986 - Echinoderms | $ 0.94 | N/A |
FAT42 | 121-22 | SET | 1986 - Plants of the Artic | $ 2.72 | N/A |
FAT43 | 123-24 | SET | 1986 - Shipping in the Artic | $ 2.25 | N/A |
FAT44 | 125 | S | 1987 - Marine Life | $ 0.85 | N/A |
FAT45 | 126-27 | SET | 1987 - Flora Artic Life | $ 2.64 | N/A |
FAT46 | 128 | S | 1987 - Marret Base, Adelie Land | $ 0.94 | N/A |
FAT47 | 129 | S | 1987 - Artic Explorer - Admiral Mouchez | $ 0.94 | N/A |
FAT48 | 130 | S | 1987 - Reindeer | $ 0.94 | N/A |
FAT49 | 131 | S | 1987 - Transport Ship Eure | $ 1.15 | N/A |
FAT50 | 132 | S | 1987 - Macaroni Penquin | $ 1.79 | N/A |
FAT51 | 133 | S | 1988 - Elephant Grass | $ 0.94 | N/A |
FAT52 | 134 | S | 1988 - Rev. Father Lelay - Explorer | $ 0.94 | N/A |
FAT53 | 135 | S | 1988 - Artic Explorer - Robert Gessain | $ 1.15 | N/A |
FAT54 | 136 | S | 1988 - Le Gros Ventre, 18th Cent. | $ 1.40 | N/A |
FAT55 | 137 | S | 1988 - Mermaid & B.A.P. Jules Verne Research Vessel | $ 2.08 | N/A |
French Southern & Antarctic Territories Stamp Lists |
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All rights Reserved -- Oceania Philatelic Galleries, P.O. Box 4511, Ventura, CA 93007-0511
Last updated --3-25-2005