French Southern and Antartic Territories | |||||
Stock # | Scotts # | Type | Decription | Price in U.S. Dollars | Click Image for Larger View |
FAT86 | 171 | S | 1992 - Supply Ship Tottan | $ 6.67 | |
FAT87 | 172 | S | 1992 - WOCE Program | $ 13.30 | |
FAT88 | 173-77 | SET | 1992-95 - Coat of Arms | $ 1.79 | N/A |
Note -- SC 178-82 - #'s not used | |||||
FAT89 | 183 | S | 1993 - Garnet [Mineral] | $ 0.94 | N/A |
FAT90 | 184 | S | 1993 - Research ship Marion Dufresne - 20th Anniv. | $ 0.94 | N/A |
FAT91 | 185 | S | 1993 - Lyallia Kerguelensis [Plant-life] | $ 0.94 | N/A |
FAT92 | 186-87 | SET | 1993 - Killer Whale and Skua | $ 3.36 | N/A |
FAT93 | 189a | SET | 1993 - Weather Station - Adelie Island [Pair with Label] | $ 13.30 | |
FAT94 | 190 | S | 1993 - Centriscops Obliquus - [Fish] | $ 1.66 | N/A |
FAT95 | 191 | S | 1993 - Freighter Italo Marsano | $ 1.66 | N/A |
SOLD | 192 | S | 1993 - ECOPHY Program [Penquin] | SOLD @ $ 9.90 |
FAT97 | 193 | S | 1993 - L'Astrolabe on Northeast Route 1991 | $ 11.60 | |
FAT98 | 194 | S | 1994 - Cordierite [Mineral] | $ 0.94 | N/A |
FAT99 | 195 | S | 1994 - Felis Catus [Cat] | $ 0.94 | N/A |
FAT100 | 196 | S | 1994 - Testing Temperature of Ocean | $ 1.06 | N/A |
FAT101 | 197 | S | 1994 - Sea Gull | $ 1.32 | N/A |
FAT102 | 198 | S | 1994 - Robert Pommier - Explorer | $ 1.23 | N/A |
FAT103 | 200a | SET | 1994 - Dumoulin, Hydrographer and Measuring Earth's Magnetic Field | $ 14.15 | |
FAT104 | 201 | S | 1994 - Rascasse [Fish] | $ 1.66 | N/A |
FAT105 | 202 | S | 1994 - Kerguelen of Tremarec [Ship] | $ 1.96 | N/A |
French Southern & Antarctic Territories Stamp Lists |
All Stamps Listed by Scott© Catalog #' |
Regular Issues | Air-Post Issues |
#58 to #98 | #C45a to C75a |
#99 to #137 | #C76 to #C94a |
#138 to #170 | #C95 to #C107 |
This Page | #C108 to #C125 |
#203 to #226 | #C126 to #C139 |
#227 to #243 | #C140 to #C148 |
All rights Reserved -- Oceania Philatelic Galleries, P.O. Box 4511, Ventura, CA 93007-0511
Last updated --3-25-2005