Philatelic Stamps & Postal History

"Oceania Philatelic Galleries"

"Visitors Center"

We are asking visitors to our Web Page to fill out this short survey. Please take a minute and let us know a little about yourself and your needs and/or comments about my OPG WebSite.

The more information we have, the better we can meet your stamp collection needs. Please be specific as possible. Your help in this survey is most appreciated.

First Visit to Oceania Philatelic Galleries?? Yes No

How did you find my Web Page?: (Please check all that apply)

Tell me a little about yourself!! All information will remain confidential and is for my use only.

E-Mail Address:
Homepage URL (if you have a Web HomePage):

Street: City:

State/Province: Country:

Are our prices for stamps too high? Yes No If "Yes" -- What percentage of Scotts® or Stanley Gibbons® do you feel is fair?

What are your needs? What countries would you like me to add to my WebPage? :

Check and be sure everything is the way you want it. Please re-enter your E-Mail Address here: It is the only way we can get back to you. Now, just click on the "Submit Survey Button" below and the survey will be sent.


Please wait a few seconds while form is being processed and send to us.

Thank you for taking the time to help me make "Oceania Philatelic Galleries" your favorite place to shop for stamps or at least a place to say hello.

E-Mail me anytime !!!!

fellow collectors have responded to this survey. Your cooperation is most appreciated and will help us improve this WebPage to serve you better in the future.